Published monthly by Saint Ann’s Episcopal Church.
Copies and advertising information available through the office.
Editor | Eileen Moran | [email protected]
Published monthly by Saint Ann’s Episcopal Church.
Copies and advertising information available through the office.
Editor | Eileen Moran | [email protected]
The Correspondent is the newsletter of Saint Ann’s Church. It is published monthly, except for the month of August, and contains regular contributions from the Rector, assisting clergy, and the Vestry as well as general announcements, publicity for upcoming events, ministries, anniversaries and birthdays of current parishioners, and occasionally some theological wisdom.
All parishioners are welcome, and encouraged, to contribute to The Correspondent. People have exciting adventures, experience amazing things, and are often able to provide inspiration to others through the stories they present.
The Correspondent is posted at the beginning of each month on Saint Ann’s website. This past year, there have been printed copies available in the Parish Hall and in the Narthex. Parishioners who would like to have The Correspondent mailed to them should contact the church office. Those who live out of town and who still wish to receive The Correspondent in the mail, can arrange with the church office to have this done for a small contribution.
Please contact the editor for further information on contributing an article or advertising in the newsletter.
All parishioners are welcome, and encouraged, to contribute to The Correspondent. People have exciting adventures, experience amazing things, and are often able to provide inspiration to others through the stories they present.
The Correspondent is posted at the beginning of each month on Saint Ann’s website. This past year, there have been printed copies available in the Parish Hall and in the Narthex. Parishioners who would like to have The Correspondent mailed to them should contact the church office. Those who live out of town and who still wish to receive The Correspondent in the mail, can arrange with the church office to have this done for a small contribution.
Please contact the editor for further information on contributing an article or advertising in the newsletter.
January - February - March - April - May - June - July / August - September - October - November - December
January - February - March - April - May - June - July - September - October / November - December
January - February - March - April - May - June - July - September - October - November - December
January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August-September - October - November - December
January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August-September - October - November - December
January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August-September - October - November - December