Children's Christian Education [on hiatus]
St. Ann's has a wonderful, lectionary-based curriculum for our Sunday School. We offer classes to the following Grade Levels:
-Pre K and Kindergarten -First and Second Grade -Third and Fourth Grade -Fifth and Sixth Grade -Confirmation (see below) The Registration date varies from year to year ( though it is generally after Labor Day). To register after the date of registration, please contact the church office (Contact info below). Classes are taught by a teacher and an assistant, and they correspond to the lessons being taught in church that same day. All educational materials are provided by St. Ann's Episcopal Church. We meet for class on Sundays at 9am at the Parish Hall. Please plan on arriving 5 minutes early so that class may begin on time. Dismissal is at 9:45 am. On Youth Sundays (first Sunday of every month) students process directly to the church after Sunday School, where the front pews are roped off for them. We also reserve the front pews for young families at the 10 am service, even on non-Youth Sundays. Confirmation Class is offered to students in seventh grade and above. The Confirmation Class will meet weekly, at the same time as the rest of the Sunday School classes. To be eligible for this program, you must attend church regularly, be known to the Rector, and sign up during normal Sunday School registration. |