St. Ann's Episcopal Church values continuing Christian Education for Adults as an important part of the life of faith. Recent classes and bible studies have focused on topics like the Book of Ruth, the Psalms, the Gospel According to Mark, and Christian Prayer and Spirituality.
Yearly Adult Education Opportunities include:
Yearly Adult Education Opportunities include:
- Adult Confirmation We teach a yearly class to prepare adults to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church.
- Our Lenten Soup Supper and Bible Study program. Every Wednesday evening during Lent (excluding Ash Wednesday and Holy Week) we offer a class that looks at a book of the bible or some aspect of the Christian life. As can be guessed by the title, there is also a soup supper for all who attend.
- Taste and See 2022 was a sampling of a variety of practices to give us all a chance to try some different approaches and see what works. We’ve done an African-method Bible Study, group spiritual direction, a healing prayer book study and ongoing group, Ignantian contemplation of scripture, an ongoing contemporary spiritual poetry group, and a book study on Jesus’ parables. Our poetry group and healing prayer group seems to have had the most ongoing participation.